Life events

Baptism (or christening) is the start of being a Christian. It is a time for accepting the love of God and promising to follow Jesus – a promise that God helps us to keep through the strengthening power of his Spirit. We are privileged when we are asked to share in this.
Whether you are thinking of baptism for your child or for yourself, the first step is to talk to one of the clergy. They will be delighted to meet you and explore your options.
Baptisms are normally held on Sunday during a service so that the whole congregation can be present to welcome and encourage those who are being baptised into the church.
The link below explains the Church in Wales’ understanding of baptism.
To make arrangements for a Baptism please use the 'Enquire Here' link above.
We are delighted that you are exploring having your wedding ceremony at one of our churches.
A wedding is the beginning of a life-long commitment and we are keen to help couples establish a firm foundation for their future relationship. We will also help you plan your wedding day so that it is a happy and memorable occasion, blessed by God’s love.
You can read more about the Church in Wales' understanding of Marriage at the link below. It also sets out some of the legal requirements. Do contact us to talk this through and we will do our best to help you.
The link to Your Church Wedding relates to the Church of England. However, there is a lot of useful advice and information there – and it is not vastly different from the Church in Wales.
To make arrangements for a Wedding, or for general enquiries please use the 'Enquire Here' link above.


The death of a loved one is a difficult time for everyone. We are here to help you with the funeral service arrangements.
An Anglican, or Church in Wales funeral service centers around a message of God’s love and the hope that people go to Heaven when they die – a place free from pain and suffering.
As well as expressing hope of new life in Heaven, Anglican funeral services also include funeral prayers, and funeral hymns and Bible readings to comfort those who are grieving.
More information can be found by following this link.
To make arrangements for a Funeral please use the 'Enquire Here' link above.