Advent Calendar
Merry Christmas and welcome to this special Advent Calendar.
Click on a door each day from the first of December up to the 25th,
Merry Christmas and welcome to day 1 of this special Advent Calendar.
Today I hope you’ll enjoy this charming short film about love and the passage of time.
Day 2 and it’s time to spice up your Christmas preparations with this delicious Spiced Christmas biscuits recipe – you can even prepare the dough in advance and freeze it for use closer to Christmas day. Enjoy!
Day 3. Christmas wrapping can be a bit of a chore, but for someone extra special, why not go the extra mile with this clever origami gift wrap idea (make sure it’s a box-shaped present!!)
Welcome to day 4 of your alternative Advent Calendar, The best gifts often aren’t the expensive ones. This is a cute short animation that will help you think creatively about your presents (and your friendships)
5th door of Advent Calendar
It’s day 5 of your Advent Calendar – so let’s celebrate with 5 of the best Christmas cracker jokes:
1. Why did the lobster blush? Because the seaweed
2. There are 2 fish in a tank. One says ‘How do you drive this thing’
3. Why did the golfer wear an extra pair of trousers? In case he got a hole in one.
4. What tool do you need for maths? Multi-pliers
5. Why are eagles cleverer than chickens? Ever heard of Kentucky Fried Eagles?
Welcome to day 6 and we’re feeling crafty!
Get creative with the family and try this origami Christmas bauble for your Christmas tree
It’s day 7 of your Advent calendar and here’s another lovely short
(almost festive .. it has deer, and snow in it!) animation for you to enjoy: Oh deer!
We’re one week in and it’s time to get baking again. This is a new twist on mince pies – this is a mince pie meets cookie combo: 8th day of Advent
Day 9 and we’re feeling tuneful today! Your Advent treat is just about bringing a big fat smile to your face. Here goes! Oh Happy Day!: 9th day of Advent
Welcome to day 10 of your Christmas Advent. Feeling Christmassy yet? This might help – it’s called Christmas Star: 10th day of Advent
Day 11 of your alternative Advent Calendar and we’re really starting to feel the festive vibe. Who doesn’t love some beautiful carols around Christmas? I hope you enjoy this Christmas carol playlist as you potter through your Christmas preparations: 11th day of Advent
Day 12 and it’s time for a bit of fun. Check out these Silent Monks singing the Hallelujah Chorus: 12th day of Advent
If the pre-Christmas pressure is starting to build, you might feel better after one of these! Try out this egg nog recipe: 13th day of Advent
Day 14 and I’ve got something a bit different for you today. The ice makes me feel frosty and wintery – but it’s the sounds made by skating on thin ice that are so mesmerizing: 14th day of Advent
We wish you, your family and friends the blessings of the Christ Child this Christmas and always.
Happy Christmas